Schedule of Fees for the Academic Year 2024/2025

Non-Refundable Registration Fee (excluding fully funded nursery place) £100.00

Acceptance Deposit (Reception to Year 6)                             Â£1,500.00
£1,000 of the deposit will be offset against the first term’s fees whilst the remaining £500 deposit will be returned after the end of summer term in Year 6 and may be used to offset extra costs incurred in the last term at school. The acceptance deposit is forfeited when an accepted place is not taken up. Bank details should be provided to the Finance Bursar prior to the end of the final term so that any balance remaining may be refunded. Deposits are not refunded if a pupil is withdrawn prior to reaching the end of Year 6.

Lower Nursery
Children may enter Nursery in the term of their 3rd birthday. Minimum attendance is 3 morning sessions per

Upper Nursery
Minimum attendance is 5 morning sessions per week.  The School is registered to offer 15 hours universal 3 & 4 Year Old Free Entitlement funding from Buckinghamshire County Council to all 3 and 4 year olds, the term following their third birthday.  However Dair House School do charge termly fees to cover the costs of the additional activities that The School Nursery offers over and above standard childcare and education. A 3 year old remains eligible for the funding for up to two academic years before they reach compulsory school age or until they are admitted to a Reception class of a school, whichever comes first.  Compulsory school age is the term after their fifth birthday. Please see Admissions Policy for more details.


Termly Fees (Three terms per year)

Per session (unfunded)                                                              £ 470
5 sessions per week (Unfunded)                                             Â£2225
5 sessions per week (Funded 3 & 4 year olds)                     Â£1360
Full-time (Unfunded)                                                                 Â£4120
Full-time (Funded 3 & 4 year olds)                                          £3185

Full-time                                                                                       Â£4590

Full-time with early acceptance discount applied*              £3900

*A 15% discount on the Reception fee is available to those who pay the registration fee and acceptance deposit by 31st March prior to the start of the Reception year. 

       Years 1 and 2 (Key Stage 1)
        Full-time                                                                                      £5080

       Years 3 and 4 (Key Stage 2)
        Full-time                                                                                      £5600

        Year 3 Full-time with early acceptance discount applied* £5040

        Year 3 Full-time with loyalty discount applied**                 Â£4760

*A 10% discount on the Year 3 fee is available to those who pay the registration fee and acceptance deposit by 31st March prior to the start of Year 3. 

**A 15% discount on the Year 3 fee is available to those who have been in continuous education at Dair House School since the start of the pupil's Reception year.


      Years 5 and 6 (Key Stage 2)
       Full-time                                                                                        £5825

       Year 6 final term fee with loyalty discount*                            £2910

*The final half term of Year 6 is free to all pupils who have attended Dair House School continuously since the beginning of their Reception year - not to be applied with any other discount


      Years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
       Swimming  -  £180.00*
*Note: We reserve the right to increase this charge during the year should the cost from the pool providers increase



     Breakfast Club Monday to Friday 7.30 - 8.10am                         £7.40 per session
     Lunch (Nursery pupils not due to stay all day)                           £8.90 per session
     After School Care Monday to Friday 4.00pm until 6.00pm     £5.75 per half hour
     One-off additional Nursery sessions                                           £41.20 per session


Violin, Piano, Guitar, Drum, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trombone, Trumpet, Cello and Flute lessons are all available, prices depend on the instrument taught and the number of lessons undertaken. Music lessons will be invoiced separately by the individual music teachers.

Sibling discounts
A 5% reduction is available for the second and subsequent children throughout their entire time at the school, even after their siblings have left Dair House School.

School books, lunch for pupils attending school all day, a morning snack, pupil personal accident insurance, fixtures transport and non-residential trips are all included in the fees.

PLEASE NOTE: Fees must be paid on or before the first day of term. Payment may be made monthly via School Fee Plan only, further details are available from the Finance Bursar. Parents are required to give a full term’s notice in writing or pay a full term’s fees in lieu. Fees stated do not include VAT and are subject to change.
