
Dair House has always benefited from an extremely active and supportive PTA, which, over the years, has given most generously to the school. Their enthusiasm and dedication in supporting the school reflects the team spirit we have at Dair House – everyone working together to provide the best possible education for the children.

The PTA meet regularly to organise social and fundraising events for both the children and parents as well as running the second hand uniform shop.  Events are held throughout the year and are always well attended and great fun.  These include:

  • Family Fun Day
  • Fireworks’ Night
  • Key Stage 2 Disco
  • Key Stage 1 and EYFS visit from Father Christmas
  • The Winter Ball
  • Quiz and Curry Night
  • Easter Egg Hunt
  • Summer Camp Out
  • Summer Holiday Playdates
  • Parent Breakfasts

The work of the PTA has raised funds to provide those ‘icing on the cake’ extras that often make learning more exciting and rewarding.  The items include:

  • Playground furniture and climbing frames
  • Music equipment
  • Sports equipment
  • Science equipment
  • The Library
  • The ICT Suite
  • The Art, Design and Technology and Science room

We consider all of our parents to be part of the PTA and always welcome the involvement of new parents and new ideas.